Thursday, April 30, 2009

One More Time...I'm serious!!!

What is it about a 4 year old who just pushes your buttons! I love her but seriously! I am constantly telling her stop, don't, get in bed, if you ... one more time, i'm not kidding, I will spank you, i'm serious... I could go on and on. Pretty soon she will not have anything left in her room b/c all her stuff is in my room from where I keep taking it all away! Why can't I just spank her? I'm not scared. I'm not! Really, I promise I'm not! Ugh! ok ok ok, so I want to be the fun parent. Is that so bad? Yes, I know. But... I just... You don't... stop interupting me! :) (for the record, I do realize I am missing a few crayons from my box) Anyway, I really do want to be able to discipline my children but when do you know when to spank? I feel like I am constantly getting on her but they are all different things. She will stop one thing but then do something different. It's like all of a sudden she is 13 years old. She is actually 4. To be exact, her birthday was this past Tuesday. Which, by the way, was the same day I had a complete meltdown. Whatever. I can't believe she is 4 already. Here is a little something from her that happened last week. This is a conversation between daughter and daddy...

Abigail: Daddy I had Mt. Dew to drink

Daddy: You did? Who gave you Mt. Dew?

Abigail: Don't you remember daddy? You were there. It was, like, 10 years ago.... Duh daddy!

I know... laugh about it now b/c they grow up so fast and then one day they will be gone. My little princess, how precious she is! Ha!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Are You Kidding Me!

So after 9 weeks of living with a newborn...again, and after a week of "never again's" I finally have a moment to write. This may be a little lengthy :) Actually, I am just going to share what happened in my world last Tuesday night.

It all started at 6 am. Yes, 6 am. My husband and started fighting over who was going to get up with Hayden. I had 30 more minutes to sleep before getting up to go to work. 30 minutes are very crucial for me right now. I will take anytime I get to sleep. So anyway, that just threw my entire day off bc I knew things were not right with my man.

So after a non-productive day I come home and Hayden is just fussy. I get her to calm down just enough to get my shoes on and her in her seat to leave for small group. It started to pour down rain. I said forget it. I text my small group leader to let her know I wasn't coming and as soon as I hit send, it stopped raining. Of course. So I feed my oldest daughter, who turns 4 tomorrow, and I fix a bottle for Hayden. Both girls are now fed and happy for the moment. Now I am going to just give a list of events that happen....

1. Abigail accidentally kicks Hayden in the head with her knee b/c she wasn't paying attention after mommy told her stop.

2. While Hayden is crying, Abigail falls on the kitchen floor and bust her tailbone and she starts crying as well.

3. Mommy joins in on the crying.

4. Girls calm down, mommy starts dinner. Spaghetti. Easy...not really.

5. Hayden starts fussing again and of course Abigail is in constant need of something.

6. Stir noodles.

7. This goes back and forth for about an hour or so.

8. Hayden sleeps, Abigail watches cartoons.

9. Call TJ @ 9pm

10. Fix bowl of speghetti (that took hours to cook)

11. TJ calls back - 9:05 pm

12. Eat one bite of speghetti while on phone

13. 9:10pm - Abigail runs to mommy screaming "It hurts"

14. Mommy sees that Abigail has lodged an object up her nose.

15. TJ still on phone.

16. Look for tweesers where I know they are but do not see them.

17. Find them later... where I looked of course.

18. TJ comes to remove object bc Abigail will not let mommy remove it.

19. Abigail poops in pants.

20. Mommy removes wipes out of toilet with her hand bc Abigail hasn't been flushing the wipes. Yes, it was FULL of wipes. Yes, it was very gross.

21. Not even going to reveal what happens next.

22. Mommy thanks God for having friends who love her children enough to fish objects out of their nose.

23. Mommy looks on table to see a full bowl of cold spaghetti.

24. Not EVEN hungry after that!

25. Mommy now realizes why people drink.

So that is everything in a nut shell. I really think that God was initiating me into motherhood. That was just the bigining of my week. I'm not even going into the rest of my week due to the fact it would take whoever is reading this a week to get through. Today is Monday so I am just hoping and praying I do not have another week like last week.