Friday, June 3, 2011

The Friend.

So to lighten things up after my last post I want to post a story that happened the other day involving a phone conversation between me and my friend. Real names (tj) will not be used to protect the not so innocent.

Me: Hi

Friend: (sounding frazzled) I can't find my phone!

Me: Ummmm, your cell phone?

Friend: Yes! I can't find it!

Me: Would it possibly be the phone you are talking on now?

Friend: *Silence*

Me: Oh this is so FB worthy!

Friend: You suck.

I love you my nameless (tj) friend!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Grandpa Scott.

I miss you so much!!! I will never forget the night you died. You and grandma were watching me because mom and dad were at camp. I loved coming to your house. You would always take me to school with you and when the college boys flirted with me, you would tell them they were too old for me and to stay away. Then you would giggle. You called me your blonde bomb shell. I always felt so special with you. I even remember the time I got in trouble for putting paper in the crack of the secretary that you refinished. You couldn’t spank me because I smiled at you. I always knew how to get out of trouble with you :).I remember the little things: like when you would give me Vienna sausages and I called them Little Hot Dogs. I remember being at your house the first time I met Corey & Laura. Laura, since I have started this letter, got really sick and she passed away. It was so hard on everyone and made me think of you a lot. There was a time I walked down the hospital hallway after she had passed and it took me back to when I was 5 years old, standing in the hallway after you passed. It made me feel so small. Please give her a hug for me.

I remember the night you died like it happened yesterday. It’s funny how years later the things you want to remember you can’t and things you don’t, you do. I remember sitting on your couch. It was against the wall to right coming out of the kitchen. You sat down next to me and I climbed into your lap. Did you know then that it would be the last time that we would see each other? I remember you smiled at me and it would always warm my heart and make me happy. You had salt & pepper hair. On your head AND in your beard. You told me that you had a doctors appointment and had to leave. Little did I know that doctor offices closed at 5pm and it was close to 9pm. I know this because it was dark outside and it was summer time. You put me back on the couch and I remember watching you kiss grandma goodbye. I wonder if she resents me for not being able to go with you. Maybe she would have been able to say goodbye before you passed away. When you walked out the door, I went running after you and said, “I love you! I will see you later!” You turned to me and said I love you too. The next thing I remember was Mark and grandma arguing over who was going to drive to the hospital. Mark had his license taken away and grandma was too upset to drive. I don’t remember who drove but I can, to this day, see darkness all around me as I sat in the backseat. I remember watching the street lights as they passed and I knew something was wrong. I don’t remember getting out of the car or walking in but I do, however, remember sitting in a small room with a doctor and grandma. There was a desk that the doctor sat behind and grandma sat next to me close to the door. There was a Jesus picture on the wall that she kept staring at and a box of tissues on the corner of the desk. As I watched her stare at the picture, I could see the desperation on her face. She looked so much older than she really was. I don’t remember if she ever even spoke a word but the doctor did a lot of talking but to this day, I couldn’t tell you what he said. It was almost like the teacher on Charlie Brown when she would talk. You hear noise but no clarity with her words.

When we left the office, we walked down what seemed like a big, white hallway. I didn’t see anything there but white walls and white floors. We came to a waiting room where I saw my mom and dad sitting on a couch. Mom was sitting with her hands around her belly and dad was sitting with his head in his hands and was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He and mom had been crying. They made me wait in the hallway and Mark stayed there with me. I’m not sure if they made me or if I just wasn’t allowed to go in. They probably didn’t want me to see you in a hospital bed. After going through what I went through with Laura, it was probably good that I didn’t see you at that young of an age. However, at one point I was left alone so I peeked inside to see what was going on. It’s kind of funny because during this whole time, I don’t remember seeing anything other than white walls, white floors, a couch, and you in a bed. Everything seemed to white and clean. I bet you are white and clean now. How beautiful! Anyway, when I peeked in, I saw you lying in a bed covered up with a white blanket. Grandma was standing to the left of you with her hand on your hand. Dad was on the right of you and was crying. Mom was next to him. Mark was walking in and was standing a bit away from you. I don’t think he knew what to do. He was so young when it happened.

I remember the visitation. I was playing tag in the foyer with some other kids whose job was to watch me and I ran into where the casket was and jumped up against it. It began to rock and then I felt dad grab my arm and make me sit down. I knew I was in trouble but I also knew that you would have laughed had you seen it. I can here you know, “don’t spank that sweet little girl” Lol. I don’t remember the funeral or the burial. I’m not sure I was even there. I was so sad that I couldn’t see you anymore. I have asked both mom and dad if they remember but they don’t. I think it was a crazy day for everyone.

As I got older, I would ask questions about you. I know how you and grandma met. How you got married. How you got divorced and then remarried. I also know about the mental illnesses that you all had. When we go to visit Joe and Patty, Laura would take me to your grave site. It became the place where we would go to sneak and smoke. But don’t tell anyone :) You would have had so much fun with me and Laura. We would have made you smile.

I remember one time shortly after you died, mom, dad and I went to visit your grave site. Dad was the only one who got out. I believe it was raining outside and I was sitting in the car behind mom’s seat. I could see out the windshield and there you were kneeling at the site and crying. I felt so sad for you. I couldn’t imagine loosing my dad at such a young age. You know when people ask if you could talk with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be, my answer is always you. Dad and I are so close and I know we can talk about you anytime but sometimes it’s good to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth :) One day though we will sit and talk and we will have forever to catch up.

You were almost done with school when you passed away so they gave you a diploma anyway. Dad accepted it for you and as he walked across the stage people started cheering for you. It was amazing to be a part of that. Everyone was so proud of you. Including me.

So much has happened since you have been gone. I can’t believe it has been almost 25 years. I graduated high school at Scott County High. We moved from Mt. Sterling to Louisville to Georgetown. Grandma lived with us for awhile. She didn’t do so good after you died. She passed away about 13 years ago. She lived in Mexico and she had the flu. They didn’t have the ability to take care of her and she went septic. She is buried somewhere in Mexico. We didn’t have a service or anything for her. But I know the two of you are together now and probably driving Jesus crazy! Lol. I was 16 when she passed away and I was a little jealous of her because I knew she was with you. I went through the same thing with Laura too. Give grandma a big hug for me and tell her I love her.

Mom had another baby, a girl, Christina Grace. We call her Nina. She is 8 years younger than Jon and 14 years younger than me. I don’t know what they were thinking having another baby at that point and I’m pretty sure they were thinking the same thing but we are happy to have her. I got married in 2003 and we now have two girls. You would love them! They are so rotten. They completely adore dad (grandpa) and of course, they get away with everything. I love to watch dad with the girls. It reminds me so much of our relationship.

Dad is doing well. He is still preaching and God is doing awesome things through his ministry. You would be so proud of him. Our church runs about 1200 and still growing. He also looks just like you. The grey hair, the beard, the face. When he smiles his entire face lights up just like yours did.

Mom is doing good as well. God is working through her too. She is an amazing mother and dad pretty awesome too. I am so blessed to have them both as parents. You did a good job raising dad.

I recently had a dream about you. It was so real and you were posed as a homeless man. What is really cool is I went to Nashville a couple of months ago and talked with a homeless man that looked just like you. That was after the dream happened. In the dream we were in a big house that had glass everywhere and it was all white. Grandma was there too but you were so prominent. We talked and it was almost like you had been watching me all these years. Making sure I was ok. I didn’t want to wake up but there was so much comfort there when I did. I think God gave me that dream.

I miss you so much but I know I will see you one day and you will be one of the first to greet me when I get there. Dad will be there too. I hope that I will be able to have a glimpse of that reunion. It will be beautiful and oh so special!

Elizabeth – Your blonde bomb shell

Monday, July 6, 2009


Every year, July 7th comes around and every year, I get excited about celebrating my husbands birthday. The problem is, he does not get as excited as I do about it. You see, when my birthday comes around, I want a week long celebration. It's a day to get excited about. It's his birthday!

I just want him to know that I am excited about celebrating the day he came into this world. Had he not been born, I would never had the amazing opportunity to meet him. To marry him. To have his beautiful children. I wouldn't get the chance to say what an amazing father he is to our two fascinating daughters. Or how much fun I have when it's sunday night and we are all sitting in the living room watching the disney channel, for 3 hours, before we realize that WE are the adults and have the power to change the channel. Or how my heart completely melts and breaks at the same time when I look over and see Abigail asleep, cuddled up in his lap. Or how when we lay in bed at night and I get nervous wondering if he still likes me.

I know he hates to have his birthday made out to be a big deal but I can't help but to be excited about the day he was brought into this world. I just wanted to share these thoughts with those of you who read this blog and, of course, to the love of my life. Life is a beautiful reason to celebrate and what better way to celebrate than with those who love you!

Happy Birthday Dale. I love you more than you will ever know! My prayer is that you have a wonderful day and know that you are surround by people who appreciate and love you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conversations With Abigail, 01

Abigail: Mommy, why are girl boobies bigger than boy boobies?

Mommy: Well, girls have hormones (what was I thinking telling my 4 yr old that?)

Abigail: What are hormones?

Husband: Can I try this one?

Mommy: [thinking: I can't wait to hear this]

Husband: Girl boobies are bigger b/c that is how they feed the babies. Only girls can do that, not boys.

Abigail: [lifts up shirt to look at her own chest. looks over at mommies chest.]

Abigail: Oh, ok.


Abigail: Mommy, did you know there is a man on the moon?

Mommy: There is? How did he get there?

Abigail: Jesus put him there.

Mommy: Why is he there?

Abigail: He drives the moon away when the sun comes out.

Abigail: He pees funny.
Mommy: What?

Abigail: He has a tail with a hole in it and when he lets go, pee comes out.

Mommy: WHAT?!


Abigail: Mommy, when Tori came outside she looked beautiful.

Mommy: Did you tell her that?

Abigail: No... I wanted to but I was just too shy.

Mommy: Why were you too shy? You love Miss Tori.

Abigail: I didn't want to get embarrassed.

Mommy: How do you know if you are embarrassed?

Abigail: When your eyebrows go up, that means you are embarrassed.

Mommy: ok.

Abigail: Mommy, did I have a big sister too when I was little?

Mommy: No honey, you are the first born. So am I. We have that in common. That is why I get sad that you keep growing bc one day you are going to be big and I won't be able to hold you anymore.

Abigail: I tell you what mommy, when I grow up, we can still play together. But we have to get grown up toys.

Mommy: What are grown up toys?

Abigail: hmmm, lawnmowers and weedeaters...

Mommy: That sounds like daddy's toys, what about mommy's toys?

Abigail: You like to watch tv.

Mommy: Well what about the washing machine and dryer (i was doing laundry during this conversation)

Abigail: That's not play mommy, that's work!

Mommy: Oh, so you think when daddy is working in the yard that he is really playing?

Abigail: yeah mommy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To The Headley-Whitney Girls (and the really creepy guy)

This picture was taken on my first day of my new job after leaving the Headley-Whitney Museum. I worked at the museum for a year and during that time, I met some pretty fabulous women. Slightly weird and a little clumsy but each very unique in their own way and like I said, fabulous!

Tonight, I attended a going away party for two of those fabulous girls. They are both heading off to grad school. One to New York and the other to Florida. I am so proud of these girls and I know that they are going to go very far and they are going to leave a legacy for their friends and family.

I was already at the museum when both girls were hired and had the wonderful opportunity to work with them for almost a year. I remember the first time I met Amanda. I felt a little intimidated by her b/c she seemed so well put together and like she had it all figured out. Then I got to know her. LOL! What a joy it has been to be able to say that I am friends with THIS GIRL! I have never laughed so hard in my life with her stories and quirky ways. I'm sure she doesn't know this but she brought the kid out in me and taught me to be free and to live life now. Thank you Amanda for being the wonderful, quirky person that you are. Do not ever change.

Then there is Jessica. I don't even know where to start with this girl. Maybe I will start by saying that she needs to be in a bubble! I have never met anyone in my life who gets hurt in the strangest ways as this girl (if you are reading this, know I love you!) Jessica started out as part time and I will always be able to remember what she looks like by her eye makeup. She truly is an artist and I aspire to be as talented as her... but on a computer :) I am convinced that this girl can do anything she puts her mind to. I have seen her in action in putting an exhibit together and I stand back and think 'wow, I would be pulling my hair out right now if I was her'. Jessica has taught me to be creative with what I have and make it work.

My time at the museum created some of the best memories I have. I'm sure this goes without saying but lunch time was my favorite. We would all eat lunch together and it never failed, Amanda ALWAYS had a great story! Finally, someone else with tons of stories to share. We would laugh until we peed and even got in trouble for laughing too loud. I truly am surprised that Jessica never fell out of her chair during these times.

Amanda & Jessica, I am so proud of both of you. I'm only about 10% jealous and 90% happy for you :) I really do wish the best for you both and if you ever feel overwhelmed and that you just can't do it anymore, whatever that may be, read this blog or call me and I will remind you of how fabulous you are while the sound of screaming children ring in the background, that is of course, before I lock them in the closet :)

Keep the memories, store them away, and then, one day, when you need a smile, bring them out and laugh while visions of George (or creepy man) dance in your head.

Monday, June 22, 2009

to my dad

Most of the people who will read this know about my relationship with my dad. We have had our ups and downs and now that I am an adult, we have more ups than downs. Thank the good Lord in Heaven for that! Normally, every year I get my dad a funny card and we laugh and its good. This year, I went a little more sentimental.

Through the years (I realize this is starting to sound like a song) my dad and I have been through a lot. We have been through graduations together, proms, weddings, new churches, practical jokes, family secrets (even some I would rather not know about), births and even a few deaths. In all of these things, I have learned valuable lessons from my dad. I have learned that boys will be boys and the heart does not literally break. That God has bigger plans that I just can't see yet. That making the decision to marry the man that I did was a good decision. That having children will be the biggest life change and what I did as a kid will come back TEN FOLD. That new beginnings are not always a bad thing. And that sometimes, when we lose someone we love, we crawl into the arms of our heavenly father and find peace and solace there. I have also learned to forgive and more so, to ask for forgiveness.

There was a time in my life when I finally saw my dad as a man and not just a preacher. A time when my dad and I became real with each other. It's a time that I will never forget b/c during that time, it shaped me into who I am today. It gave me the compassion that I have for people. It gave me the faith that I have in God. And now, as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend, it gave me the perspective that I have on life and why we were put here on earth in the first place.

Dad, I am sorry for all the craziness I put you through during those lessons I was learning but God gave me a great dad and I can't imagine having anyone else teach me, love me, or send me a letter from the county attorney b/c you thought it was funny! (and yes, that was funny) As I said in your fathers day card, thank you for being a big part of who I am today. And just so you know, every time we hug, it always makes me feel like I am a little girl again, running to sit in your lap and watch tv with you.

I love you dad! Happy Father's Day.

Monday, June 8, 2009

to be clothed or not to be clothed...

So I got child No. 2 down and in bed and asleep with no crying! I then got my No. 1 child ready for bed and in bed, however, not asleep. I let the No. 1 child know that I was going to jump in the shower. 5 minutes tops. I then informed the child that she would not need me within those 5 minutes.

I get my shower. It was great. ALL.FIVE. MINUTES. Of course I get out of the shower and I hear Child No. 2 crying and Child No. 1 SCREAMING for me. (did I mention I was only in the shower for 5 minutes?) So, here we go...

Child No. 2 was upset because she could not locate the binki. I got it for her and started her musical again and she was fine. I then ran to the bathroom where Child No. 1 was sitting on the potty... pooping. Yay! She pooped in the potty! I wipe her behind and send her off to bed once again.

Here is the thing... I had no towel wrapped around me and of course my robe was nowhere to be found. My daughter starts to sing to me "I see your boobies!" and laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. (her daddy taught her that... I don't know why) When I turned to walk out she again started singing to me "I see your butt" and again, laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. Of course it doesn't end there. I walk back into my bedroom and low and behold, there lies my robe on the end of my bed.

I love being a mom!