Monday, May 4, 2009


I have tried to write the last three nights and so help me I am going to get my therapy in tonight! It has been an insane weekend.

First, I want to say hi to my new friend Ish. I met him when I ran into a store to go potty. Long story short, we both found out that we both do not like people. I told him I would blog about it but then I thought, that may be a bad idea. So, Ish, if you are reading this, I'm sorry to let you down but I really did enjoy our conversation. Also, thanks for letting me use your bathroom... what a relief.

This weekend was my daughters 4th birthday party. Birthday party's are now in the same category as Chucky Cheese. That would be the "what not to do ever again" category. We had a great time but that was a LOT of work. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us. We let all the kids make their own hats out of newspaper and we played "pin the tiara on the princess" game. We wanted to do something special for Abigail since she has been such a good big sister. Next year... it's back to the zoo.

On the flip side... all my carpet is clean and my house is the cleanest its been in a LONG time. Also, I am now 100% sure that I will be having NO MORE children! Stop the madness!


  1. wow, you need help...if you don't like kids, why did you have them?? maybe if you paid attention to them, they wouldn't be so annoying!

  2. 1. You are a coward for not posting your name.
    2. I never said I dind't like kids. I said people.
    3. I pay very close attention to my children and I don't think they are annoying.
    4. I think you are annoying.

  3. o, good ol' chuck e cheese. I used to love that place. its like a casino for kids. but yeah it sounds like alot of work to host a birthday party there.

  4. Hey baby - you know there is a delete button for those who want to anonymously post - USE IT!

    I do!

    BTW - great post....

  5. haha when you have a houseful of children (all of multiple ages) at a birthday party, I don't blame you for wanting to stop at two kiddos! By the way, who's the wierdo at the top who seems like they have some major personal issues going on? Sounds like someone's a little upset that they can't find anyone to have their own children with! You know there are professionals who will talk to you about things like this. Get a life! --JJ

  6. So, you are saying that you do not like people? OK, that clears that up. As for having children of my own, I have 3, love them very much and always have a house full of children. Sure, it makes me nuts too, but I don't complain about it on a PUBLIC blog...You made the choice to do that! So, if you are opening yourself up by putting your opinion on the internet for all to see, then you are risking "mean" comments from people. Gopod luck with your family. Everyone needs help with their lives and it is good that this blog helps you, but you shold have expected that people might not always say nice delete them. I just thought that from the tone of your blog postings that you don't like your family very much. Sorry for my OPINION :) By the way, the correct spelling for "wierdo" is WEIRDO. So, why don't YOU get a life, JJ? Sounds like the blogger is the one who needs professional help, not me! I am a simple stranger reading a blog that is set out for all to see! The last time I heard, it is a free country and I can have my own cowardly opinion if I want to. Thanks :) and, God Bless..God knows who I am and that is all that matters, right??

  7. Yes, and the correct spelling for Good is G-O-O-D. Last time I checked, "good" didn't have a "P" in it. Didn't know this was a spelling contest though. I know the blogger and I know that she loves her children. In fact, love isn't even a strong enough word for how much she cares for her children. I just find it funny that a complete stranger would take the time to comment negatively on someone else's blog that they do not know. Sure, a public blog leaves my friend vulnerable for ridicule, but as a friend of a mom who is unconditionally in love with her whole family, I cannot let a stranger ruin her reputation, especially 3 days away from MOTHER'S Day. So you go ahead and be the MOM (or DAD) of the year and leave your negative comments. Afterall, only GOD can judge, and He's all that matters...right?--JJ

  8. This blogger is a wonderful mother to her two children. i think that it is unfair to say other wise. If all you know about her is a couple of blogs. We should all keep in mind that a blog is what you are feeling at that point in time. Does not always tell the whole story. My mother always told me "If you can not say something nice, don't say anything". I do not think Mrs. Anonymous is much of a stranger.

  9. OK.....MY TURN!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
    1. For ANYONE who reads blogs, they KNOW that tone of voice means everything. This blogger was being "cute" and funny. Cause, yes, I know her and that IS her therapy. To find himor, oops, I mean humor (God forbid I spell something wrong on here...geez)in everyday life.
    2. Yes, this IS a public blog/ranting place. No problem....unless she is a public official (which she is NOT), then she would need to watch her tounge. As far as I know, her name isn't on any ballads at this time.
    3. Who ever said that blogging something as funny as to have 50 PEOPLE IN YOUR HOUSE ON A NICE SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER A PERSONAL MEETING WITH THE HOLY ONE (CHURCH) was a crime? I'm just sayin'.....juuuusst sayin.
    4. I DO know this blogger, and as far as her NOT liking's just those with simple little pea brains that annoys the CRAP out of her.....again, just sayin.
    But, since I DO know her well, I DO know that she DOES have sence enough NOT to let someones small opinion (just sayin) of her, bring her down in ANY way shape, form, or fashion. Thank goodness, cause then I couldn't be friends with her.....just sayin. For those who DIDN'T understand that, it was a joke....just a little education for ya.
    Cause, you cannot hear MY tone of voice either, and that would seem that I was being serious......just sayin's all....

    She knows what a wonderful mother she was put on this earth to be. Her kids know it, her husband KNOWS IT, and those who really matter know it as well. And in we all know that you DON'T HAVE TO READ A BLOG IF YA DON'T WANT TO. just sayin....

    NO MORE BABMOO....REAL WOOD!!!! It'll do the trick every time!! LOLOL!!!
