Thursday, April 30, 2009

One More Time...I'm serious!!!

What is it about a 4 year old who just pushes your buttons! I love her but seriously! I am constantly telling her stop, don't, get in bed, if you ... one more time, i'm not kidding, I will spank you, i'm serious... I could go on and on. Pretty soon she will not have anything left in her room b/c all her stuff is in my room from where I keep taking it all away! Why can't I just spank her? I'm not scared. I'm not! Really, I promise I'm not! Ugh! ok ok ok, so I want to be the fun parent. Is that so bad? Yes, I know. But... I just... You don't... stop interupting me! :) (for the record, I do realize I am missing a few crayons from my box) Anyway, I really do want to be able to discipline my children but when do you know when to spank? I feel like I am constantly getting on her but they are all different things. She will stop one thing but then do something different. It's like all of a sudden she is 13 years old. She is actually 4. To be exact, her birthday was this past Tuesday. Which, by the way, was the same day I had a complete meltdown. Whatever. I can't believe she is 4 already. Here is a little something from her that happened last week. This is a conversation between daughter and daddy...

Abigail: Daddy I had Mt. Dew to drink

Daddy: You did? Who gave you Mt. Dew?

Abigail: Don't you remember daddy? You were there. It was, like, 10 years ago.... Duh daddy!

I know... laugh about it now b/c they grow up so fast and then one day they will be gone. My little princess, how precious she is! Ha!

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